Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cyrpus Building

This is a picture i found on a travel website that displays different pictures of places in Greece. I really liked this picture for several reasons. first I love the angle that the photographer took because it gets a great view of the stairs that creates direction in the piece. Also, i really like the colors which mustve been brought out in photoshop because they are so bright and vibrant and the greens and blues go really well together.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Table of contents concept

This is one of my table of contents concepts that I had for my Game magazine that I am creating for my publication design class. I tried to make it appear as something someone would see on a game website but instead it would be on paper. Im thinking about using less of the black boxes and instead making the background have images and fade them in .

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I found this photo on the same photography website as the black and white photo i posted yesterday. I really like this one because of the contrast of the black city buildings and power lines and how the sky cuts through them with its colorful and textured clouds that form and explosion in teh sky. The movement of this piece is what really makes it wrk because it really brings your eye to the right places even the powerlines appear to be exploding out with the cloud. it has an upward motion.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Interesting B&W photo

I found this photograph on a photography website. I really liked this photo because of the contrast and the focal point of the light coming from the sky. I like how the image is grainy looking and details are fuzzy I think this really adds to the ominous gloomy mysterious feeling of the photograph because its hard to tell exactly what and where the photo is taken.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Surgeon Generals Warning

I thought these two images were a really interesting comment on advertising and awareness posters. The first one is a picture of cigarettes sold in another country. when I was in ireland I went to the store and bought cigarettes that had this exact same surgeon generals warning that simply said smoking kills. I found it hilarious because in america they really try to sugarcoat the truth about smoking by saying it causes all theses medical complications, but they dont put it plainly. The other picture here is an anti smoking ad that shows a woman coverd in tar which is what a smokers lungs look like. I thought it was a great way to get the poin across about the hazards of smoking.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bottle Photo

I thought this was a great example of good digital photography and photoshop work. I like how the levels of the bottle have been brought up to enhance its color and give the clear glass a more interesting look and feel. I also like how the coca cola brand name has been brought out and is the focal point of the image which is the point because in the advertisement you want the viewer to see the brand immediately.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Typography Infographic

I was looking for examples of infographics to include in my articles for my publication design class and I came across this interesting infographic on different typefaces of the world. I find this graphically particularly neat because its an infographic on type that has interesting typography which i find kind of ironic. I also like how its simplistic but also displays a lot of information in a small space. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Brochure Design

I was looking for more examples of publications and designs for articles and brochures and found this really sweet example of a brochure shaped like a car. Ive always liked brochurs that are a little more interactive and fun as opposed to the typical three panel boring ones you find everywhere. I liked this one because its not too flashy because although it uses many colors, they are dulled down and give it a more nostalgic feel as the front image of an old car suggests.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Color contrast Composition

I found this picture on a website that displays garden sculptures and lighting fixtures. I really liked the photograph taht was taken of these glowing light fixtures in this garden. I like the contrast and reflection of the light on the plants. the choice of angle and the clearness of the images in the foregroound make the piece a lot more interesting.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gumball Mesh

While making my magazine articles and cover pages, I decided I needed to incorporate more of my own artwork, so for and advertisement page I decided I wanted to use this gumball machine that I created in illustrator. Its not completely finished yet, but I think it would be a good thing to work on further so that I can work on my gradient mesh skills a little more and get better at it as well as be able to use this in my project.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iphone Camera Concept

I found this to be an interesting piece because I couldnt believe that this is an actual concept that someone thought up. its an iphone that would have an attachable lens that you would find on a more expensive camera. I think its a really interesting design and idea.. but who is going to carry around a giant lens with their iphone on the off chance that they would want to take some high quality photos..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cup design

This is another example of interesting use of positive and negative space. at first I thought that the shape of the heart was photoshopped in, but then when I looked on the website I got it from I realized it was an actual product. The photo taken though bothers me because the reflection in the cup is really distracting and I find myself more interested in finding out what the reflection is rather than paying attention the the desgin of the product.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Positive Negative Space

I found this sculpture awhile ago while looking for different examples of 3D art. I really like the how the sculpture when viewed from a different angles creates an image in the negative space of a leaf-like shape. I also like how the sculpture creates movement by using the lines in the wood to curve around the outside edge of the piece. The photograph of this piece really brings out the many aspeccts of its design and makes it more interesting to the viewer.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Silent Hill

While browsing through the IGN website I found out that there is going to be a re-imaged rerelease of silent hill three. I was looking through screenshots and different images and I really liked this one because of the symmetry and the use of color, and lightness and darkness that really brings out the dark gloomy feel of the game.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Table of Contents design

Because I am taking a publication design class, I wanted to do some research on different types of table of contents pages for magazines. I liked this one in particular because of the font used that gives ita  gritty grungey feel that goes well with the theme of the magazine. I also like the typograpy and the positioning of the images and words. Im currently working on a table of contents page for my Gamer magazine and I might change my mind on the font I have been using for it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Poster art

This is a piece of artwork that I found on a graphic design website. It was actually conceptualized from a photograph of a real wolf, then posterized in photoshop and a red background was added. I really like these kind of simplistic looking images that dont use too many colors or detail. I really like the red white and black combination that is usually used in these type of poster images.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Comic style

Another example of great album artwork. Both albums from White zombie have a great comic book-like feel to them that I really like. The use of bright colors and dynamic lines make the artwork attractive to the eye.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Album Covers

I was looking through album covers online to get some inspiration on design and placement and found two great examples. One album, Speak and Spell by Depeche Mode (above) is a more detailed and interesting piece with its high contrast and color choice. Whereas Short Bus by Filter (below) takes a more simplistic approach to its design. Both albums are eye catching though.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Old Fax

Looking for example of old technology for the upcoming project, I found this example of an ol fact machine from the Fort Collins Copier website. When looking at this piece of machinery, I cant even begin to fathom how it functions as a fax machine, but thats what makes it so intriguing.

Monday, March 12, 2012

future car

Ive been looking for a new car recently since mine is all sorts of messed up. Then I thought wouldnt it be sweet if I could buy a futuristic prototype of a car. So I found this website that has a bunch of crazy looking designs for cars and this one really peaked my interest.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I was searching online for different elements of design in photography and found a great example of parallel lines. I cant exactly tell what the picture is off but that adds to the interestingness of the piece.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


A beautfiul example of a panoramic photograph. Its very well put together although I believe it may have been shot in a wide screen as opposed to several shots put together. Im not sure exactly but the photo appears to have been altered.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Two examples of great photoshop work that i found on my friends website. I like how they incorporated fruits in the the mutilation of animals. I especially like the orange frog because it looks a lot more realistic than the hamster one and even maintains shadows.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anachronism parallel

looking for parallels but found this to be sort of an anachronism of technology. since the typewriter is posing as the keyboard and the screen is modern. the mouse is attached to the monitor. I thought this was really funny.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ride the tiiiger

I found this picture while looking for artistic designs using different mediums. I found a seres of 3D art created on a 2D surface using chalk. Apparently this artist has made several of these all throughout different cities.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

parallel lines

I thought this would be a good parallel example for the upcoming digital photog project. I thought the upholstry in my friends car was incredibly interesting and so I took a cheap glass stone that you can find from any craft store and put it on the seat, it magnified the lines in the light and I found the paralles to be really intriguing.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Graphic Design success

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>>

Dan Hanrahan  how to be successful in graphic design and other creative careers

Sunday, March 4, 2012


for my publication design class we are to make a magazine that contains articles and table of contents etc. Infographics are a great way to display information in an interesting way that keeps the readers attention. I really liked this one because the information is interesting but the way it is displayed is even more interesting (using a compass).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Good photo Design

I thoguht this was an awesome example of a photo with good design elements. It has good repetition of designs and shapes. it has interesting contrast with the black table in the middle and the black diamonds on the white floor. The onlythink throwing off the symmetry of the piece is the glare coming from the window on the side.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Oppenheim Glasses

For my 3D art class we had to pick a 3D artist to do a presentation on. I chose to do Dennis Oppenheim who doesnt mostly extravagant installations in public places. At the time of doing the report I had only seen all of his work up until 2005, but out of curiosity I decided to look him up again to see if he had any new interesting stuff. I really like this installation of wire wine glasses that appear to be spilling out over a hill. The installation itself is great, but the photo taken of it is really impressive and utilizes color and composition very nicely.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Old AV equipment

I found this piece of old technology in one of the schools I went to while working for the BOE of Howard county. I thought it would be a great picture as an example of old technology for the upcoming project. Its not functional, but they kept it around to give it to the main technology building to use in their display of old technology that the AV department has come across over the years.