Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby Ad

Another good advertisent for good parenting. Although I believe this advertisement wouldnt get its message across as well with only the visual alone. The tagline is needed to understand exactly what the message is, otherwise it could be misconstreud as some other kind of PSA regarding children.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ADT security

I thought this picture I took of my mother to be a good example of an ad for home security. I liked the concerned/seriousl look on her face and I figured its straight out of an advertisement for ADT home security, so experimenting with the picture, I added the ADT logo which I downloaded a vector version of and placed it on the phot and made some mock-text to simulate an ad. I think it works quite well, but its nothing that hasnt been done before so its not so creative and I definitely woldnt put it in my portfolio.

Monday, April 30, 2012

NRA gitter done

These two concepts I came up with using my photo of an airsoft pistol that I have. One of which would be sort of a public service announcement/ advertisment for the NRA in which it would be insighting people to defend the constitution adn the amendment stating the right to bear arms. The second concept was to be more of an advertisment for the airsoft gun itself and upon looking at it closer, i realize it would be more fit for a website than for printed media. Ive decided to rework and combine both pieces to make a happy medium between the two and something that will work better in print than on screen

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Recycle Ad

This is one of the thumbnail examples of a public service announcement advertisment that I considered doing for one of my projects. Instead, I decided to make it a service advertisement and replace the Recycle logo with a TrueGreen/Chemlawn logo. Since I already have an idea for a publick service announcement it seemed more logical to utilize this photo and make it a service advertisment. I plan on reshooting the exact location now in the spring to really show the blossom and bloom and the vitality of the greenage.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Drunk Driving PSA

A very powerful ad about the consequences of drunk driving. Although the ad doesnt say 'This is what will happen to you" it instead allows the viewer to ponder on the message that the poster displays showing a before and after photo of this particular person. It is a strong advertising technique that recently has been used more and more especially for anti smoking campaigns. The gruesome imagery really conveys the point.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Love space

Great example of using positive and negative space and good use of models to coordinate in sync to produce a good visual of the word LOVE. the word is subtle yet totally obvious once youre eye is attracted to the positive space. Great shot in a perfect time of day that really gets that sunny i love you feel to it. great shot in my opinion.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I found this photo and I immediately was flashed back to my childhood and the imagery reminded me of the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books that I used to read as a kid. The images in those books were so profound and detailed and scary that I will never forget them, and I find it interesting that this artists photograpy manipulation is so reminiscent of those illustrations. I dont know if it was intentional but I definitely relate to this photo on that basis. Below are examples of the illustrations found in the Scary Stories books.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Focus of Beauty

Actual photo of waterfall using tilt shift photography. I love this photo because its real and the view at which its taken really makes you wonder what perspective its take at.. because the river looks so close and small and yet the size of the people make it look so huge. The out of focus waterfall adds to the beauty andy serenity of the piece.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Victor Enrich Architectual genius

Photoshop manipulation and effects created by Victor Enrich, a Spanish photographer who "rips all the science from architecture to create surreal and whimsical variations on existing buildings. A tower unzips, a road goes straight up, and multi-story slides protrude from balconies. These buildings cannot possibly exist, but in a sense, they do."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Type-o-graph me

I found this to be a great example of photomanipulation and typography. The piece was obviously created by using an existing photograph or picture and then the type was put ovver top of it and manipulated and formed in such a way that to resemble somewhat of a Monet paitning in which you wouldnt know the differece between this and a real photo if you squinted your eyes.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

You Like My Hair?

I thought this to be a great example of advertising. While creating a magazing for my publication design class, we had to make a page or two consisting of advertisments. In doing research of advertisements I found this hilarious advertisment for a hair product by a company called Tomei. I think it is a great example of how humour can be used in advertisments in order to get the viewer to remember the ad and to think about it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Plastic Life

This is one example of great photography that I found on an international graphic design sign and this one from a French designer. "Plastic Life" The microworld imagined by French photographer Vincent Bousserez is now captured in print with his new book, Plastic Life. In placing factory manufactured figurines amongst real life surroundings, he creates ironic and poetic scenes using macro photography. The results are tiny people that are dominated by the surrounding world of lifeless giant objects."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Architectural Photomanipulation

I thought this was a great example of how photoshop can make the real seem surreal and vice versa. This is another example of work done by the artist Victor Enrich, who takes real life architecture and manipulates photographs to create a surreal existence.
 Victor Enrich is a Spanish photographer who rips all the science from architecture to create surreal and whimsical variations on existing buildings. A tower unzips, a road goes straight up, and multi-story slides protrude from balconies. These buildings cannot possibly exist, but in a sense, they do.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo Manipulation at its best

I thought this was a fantastice example of using photoshop to bend and shape realism to make it surrealism. in this picture the man is splitting his face and as if flippig the pages in a book, he his flipping his face and displaying several media. I think this is a great example of photo manipulation and im quite impressed by the smoothness by which the skin and media are combined. its very realistic and really creates interest.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Photoshop the Ketchup

Great example of a good advertisment that was made through creative photoshop work. The ad is supposed to signify that Heinz ketchup is all natural and made mostly of tomatoes when we all know that its like 75 percent tomato and the rest is sugar and water and god knows what else. but the ad really conveys the point by displaying the ketchup bottle as bein made up of slices of tomatoes. good example of advertising and photo manipulation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Obesity is Suicide

I think this is a good example of advertising being it sends a dreary and powerful message about the conssequences of obesity. I think even without the words "obesity is suicide" it would get the point across on the visual alone. Its good photography like this can get the point across without words because visuals speak louder.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Photography B&W and Color

I love these two photographs of people from Africa. I really love how both pictures are very serious phtoographs, in that both the subjects have a look of seriousness on their face. The artist has perpetualted this feeling by translating the photos into blakc and white and then firthermore adding a grungey feel to them by utilizing a grungey green and grafitti look to it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Use of Typography in Ad

Great use of typography in an advertisment. The advertisement is clearly about verbal abuse on children, but employs a great element of visual typography that reall gets the point across. Without any tagline, the viewer would get the point of this advertisment simpley by looking at the hand choking the child, then seeing whats written within the hand and get the point immediately

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cat Logo

I thought this was a great logo because it shows an almost detailed depiction of a cat within the negative space but it doesnt take away from the legibility of the word "cat" that is being spelled out in the logo, I think it is a fantastic example of positive and negative space being utilized within a logo that makes it both interesting and gets the point across.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Burger King is Healthy?

Burger King's  Get a Tasty New Look advertisemtn campagin. The Burger Kings makeover Campaign is a diversion advertisemtn tactic that seems to tackle a problem or issue, but then throws in an emotional distraction. So they claim that Burger King is much healther now, offering salads and such hence how the green in the eyelashes is the most pronounced feature of the visual.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Aqua Complex

This is a great example of graphic visualization and concept design combined with the actual architecture and construction of such a building. The Aqua Condominum Building in Chicago. Balconies vary slightly from floor to floor, giving the building incredible movement and simulated the rippling effect that can be seen underwater, hence its name the aqua building.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Object photo

This is my product photo that I wanted to use for project 3. I really wanted to use another object but I think that the gun would be good if I can get the right angle and perspective on it. I also need to work on the lighting on the object and I need to give the object a little more room to breathe because a consumer wants to see the whole gun, not just a cropping of it. I think that if i can get the right perspective and lighting it would be a great shot and the gun has a lot of imperfections that I can touch up on photoshop to make it look more realistic.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Still life

this is my still life photo that I took for the midterm. I got really lucky with this picture because there was already a still life set up in a classroom that I decided to venture into. I think the objects were great for this because of the reflected light and their bright colors. I really liked this image although i didnt use it for the midterm because of the composition and the direction of it leading from foreground to background.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This is my model shot for project 3 in digital photography. I cropped out my model from the original image and used the healing brush to get rid of age spots and imperfections in the skin and then used the clone stamp tool to get rid of the awkward bright spot that was created by the break in the tree line. I originally was going to crop it out but found it much easier to just use the clone stamp to create more trees.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Color Basket

This is a picture that I took in photography class for the photo shoot. I brought it in to photoshop and played with the levels but what i really like most about this photo is the closeness of it and the texture and detail it shows. I like how its difficult to tell at first what its a picture of and the mystery is part of what makes it so interesing as well as the bright purple object in the background.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Simple Matchbook

I was looking for old product imagery from the 1970s and found this picture of a matchbook that i thought was really simple but interesting. I like how it uses dull colors like most products you would see in that era and the simplistic imagery of the match and the flame.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ominous tracks

This was anther picture I found on a photography website that I really liked because of its ominous and gloomy feel that it portrays. I like how the black has been darkened and the light of the rails have been brought out for some interesting contrast. It also creates the direction of the piece because your eye is naturally focused on the contrasted rail and you follow it throughout the piece.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Article Brief

This is my two page spread article brief for my publication design magazine. I wanted to make it look like a review for an upcoming game that you would find in any gaming magazine. The only problem was that I had to make an infographic for the top right that would fit well with the rest of the article. The ther issue with this is that the background color should be a dark black but I cant for the life of me get it to show up that way when I save it as a jpeg or pdf.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Garden Sculpture

I thought this was a great example of 3D artwork and design that I really wanted to put on my blog because its so huge and the concept is incredible. combining all of these colors and foliage to create a really interesting scultpure that i can only imagine takes a lot of maintaining. The photo is great because it really shows you the magnitude of this sculpture and how gigantic it is because the people are so smalled compared to it and you can see the railing.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cyrpus Building

This is a picture i found on a travel website that displays different pictures of places in Greece. I really liked this picture for several reasons. first I love the angle that the photographer took because it gets a great view of the stairs that creates direction in the piece. Also, i really like the colors which mustve been brought out in photoshop because they are so bright and vibrant and the greens and blues go really well together.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Table of contents concept

This is one of my table of contents concepts that I had for my Game magazine that I am creating for my publication design class. I tried to make it appear as something someone would see on a game website but instead it would be on paper. Im thinking about using less of the black boxes and instead making the background have images and fade them in .

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I found this photo on the same photography website as the black and white photo i posted yesterday. I really like this one because of the contrast of the black city buildings and power lines and how the sky cuts through them with its colorful and textured clouds that form and explosion in teh sky. The movement of this piece is what really makes it wrk because it really brings your eye to the right places even the powerlines appear to be exploding out with the cloud. it has an upward motion.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Interesting B&W photo

I found this photograph on a photography website. I really liked this photo because of the contrast and the focal point of the light coming from the sky. I like how the image is grainy looking and details are fuzzy I think this really adds to the ominous gloomy mysterious feeling of the photograph because its hard to tell exactly what and where the photo is taken.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Surgeon Generals Warning

I thought these two images were a really interesting comment on advertising and awareness posters. The first one is a picture of cigarettes sold in another country. when I was in ireland I went to the store and bought cigarettes that had this exact same surgeon generals warning that simply said smoking kills. I found it hilarious because in america they really try to sugarcoat the truth about smoking by saying it causes all theses medical complications, but they dont put it plainly. The other picture here is an anti smoking ad that shows a woman coverd in tar which is what a smokers lungs look like. I thought it was a great way to get the poin across about the hazards of smoking.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bottle Photo

I thought this was a great example of good digital photography and photoshop work. I like how the levels of the bottle have been brought up to enhance its color and give the clear glass a more interesting look and feel. I also like how the coca cola brand name has been brought out and is the focal point of the image which is the point because in the advertisement you want the viewer to see the brand immediately.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Typography Infographic

I was looking for examples of infographics to include in my articles for my publication design class and I came across this interesting infographic on different typefaces of the world. I find this graphically particularly neat because its an infographic on type that has interesting typography which i find kind of ironic. I also like how its simplistic but also displays a lot of information in a small space. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Brochure Design

I was looking for more examples of publications and designs for articles and brochures and found this really sweet example of a brochure shaped like a car. Ive always liked brochurs that are a little more interactive and fun as opposed to the typical three panel boring ones you find everywhere. I liked this one because its not too flashy because although it uses many colors, they are dulled down and give it a more nostalgic feel as the front image of an old car suggests.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Color contrast Composition

I found this picture on a website that displays garden sculptures and lighting fixtures. I really liked the photograph taht was taken of these glowing light fixtures in this garden. I like the contrast and reflection of the light on the plants. the choice of angle and the clearness of the images in the foregroound make the piece a lot more interesting.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gumball Mesh

While making my magazine articles and cover pages, I decided I needed to incorporate more of my own artwork, so for and advertisement page I decided I wanted to use this gumball machine that I created in illustrator. Its not completely finished yet, but I think it would be a good thing to work on further so that I can work on my gradient mesh skills a little more and get better at it as well as be able to use this in my project.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iphone Camera Concept

I found this to be an interesting piece because I couldnt believe that this is an actual concept that someone thought up. its an iphone that would have an attachable lens that you would find on a more expensive camera. I think its a really interesting design and idea.. but who is going to carry around a giant lens with their iphone on the off chance that they would want to take some high quality photos..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cup design

This is another example of interesting use of positive and negative space. at first I thought that the shape of the heart was photoshopped in, but then when I looked on the website I got it from I realized it was an actual product. The photo taken though bothers me because the reflection in the cup is really distracting and I find myself more interested in finding out what the reflection is rather than paying attention the the desgin of the product.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Positive Negative Space

I found this sculpture awhile ago while looking for different examples of 3D art. I really like the how the sculpture when viewed from a different angles creates an image in the negative space of a leaf-like shape. I also like how the sculpture creates movement by using the lines in the wood to curve around the outside edge of the piece. The photograph of this piece really brings out the many aspeccts of its design and makes it more interesting to the viewer.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Silent Hill

While browsing through the IGN website I found out that there is going to be a re-imaged rerelease of silent hill three. I was looking through screenshots and different images and I really liked this one because of the symmetry and the use of color, and lightness and darkness that really brings out the dark gloomy feel of the game.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Table of Contents design

Because I am taking a publication design class, I wanted to do some research on different types of table of contents pages for magazines. I liked this one in particular because of the font used that gives ita  gritty grungey feel that goes well with the theme of the magazine. I also like the typograpy and the positioning of the images and words. Im currently working on a table of contents page for my Gamer magazine and I might change my mind on the font I have been using for it.